Tuesday, December 31, 2013

30 Things Before 30

I'm ready for a new year, so here's to 2014!
Instead of setting a resolution for this new year, I decided to create a list of 30 things I want to accomplish by the time I turn 30. I wanted these goals to be within my control, which meant things like "fall in love" or "take a trip with friends" were out.

I've also been living the last nearly 22 years of my life trying to live for others. I lived for my parents for many years. Then I lived for my boyfriend who became my husband. I often aim to please. But this list is about me. It's about attaining my goals, uninterrupted by a need to please others.
  1. Keep some sort of record of my progress through life in general
  2. Earn my Bachelor's degree (will be finished in May 2014)
  3. Earn my JD
  4. Earn my Master's degree
  5. Take a romance language class
  6. Get to a healthy weight and stay there
  7. Visit the National Museum of African American History & Culture (changed from Museum of Crime and Punishment due to permanent closure of that museum)
  8. Go ice skating in Central Park, NYC
  9. Have my palm read in Jackson Square, New Orleans
  10. Visit Boston
  11. Visit Philadelphia
  12. Visit Chicago
  13. Go wine tasting in the Napa Valley
  14. Travel to Europe
  15. Become financially stable
  16. Get a tattoo
  17. Learn ballroom dancing
  18. Build a dining table from scratch
  19. Get a full-time job I love
  20. Find a church to call home
  21. Get a piece published nationally
  22. Buy a full suit
  23. Take a cooking class
  24. Go on a 2+ day road trip
  25. Eat at a top-tier vegetarian restaurant (changed from eat at a Michelin three-star restaurant due to realizing that most three-star restaurants don't cater to vegans)
  26. Visit Disneyland or Disney World
  27. Have an apartment decorated the way I want
  28. Spend a day at a warm beach
  29. Host a five-course dinner party
  30. Camp under the stars

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