Monday, February 24, 2014

30 by 30: Tattoo!

I got my first tattoo yesterday, and it looks particularly awesome. I love it. Cross off item 16 on my 30 by 30 list!

In case the photo is too blurry to read, the text is:
"Do what you feel in your heart to be right -- for you'll be criticized anyway. You'll be damned if you do, and damned if you don't." -- E. Roosevelt
I fell in love with this quote in the third grade when reading the historical fiction "A Letter to Mrs. Roosevelt" spawned my interest in Ms. Eleanor. A trek to the library had my nose inside Eleanor Roosevelt biographies for days. My 9-year-old self found this gem of a quote inside one of those books.

I've been in love with this quote ever since. It was scribbled on my binders in middle school, hung on my wall in high school, and has been my desktop background and Facebook cover photo for much of college.

With everything happening in my life, I felt it fitting to have these wise words etched onto my body so I can never forget this sentiment for long: Do what you think is right, because -- at the end of the day -- you will only have yourself to answer to. There will never cease to be those who will disagree with your actions, but you must always be able to live with the choices you have made.

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