Wednesday, May 13, 2015

30 by 30: PHILLY

I have some crazy news y'all. Earlier this week, I MOVED TO PHILLY.

It's just for the summer, as I work as a legal intern with the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, an organization that advocates for individual rights (especially First Amendment rights) on college campuses.

Even though it's only temporary, and even though I've only been in the city for a few days, I think it's simply adorable.

Across the street from my window.

Beautiful Philadelphia City Hall.

My perfect little street.

My wonderful boyfriend came with me for a few days to help me get settled, before we part ways for the summer. We had the chance to explore Center City, and see Love Park.

I'm very excited for my adventures this summer, and especially excited to cross another thing off my 30 by 30!

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