Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Dating without intent to marry: Part II

Almost exactly two years ago, I wrote a post about dating without intent to marry. It was spawned by the image below, which I had seen on Facebook. In the post, I talked about how I didn't want to date with the end goal of marriage anymore, how I wanted to live in the moment, how what will happen will happen.

It was a lie. I lied. I lied to myself. I lied to my boyfriend. I lied to my friends. I lied to you.

I said I was done dating with the intent to marry. I said I wanted to be present in what was happening currently, not think about the future.

It was a farce. That's just not who I am.

I want to have a lifetime commitment with someone someday. Not necessarily marriage, but a lifetime commitment. And I want to date with that purpose. I'm tired of dating without any sense of security or future.

So let me make this commitment to myself: I will not date casually anymore, not even at the beginning of relationships. I will only date someone if a future is a possibility.

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