Thursday, June 16, 2016

Why I blog

"Why do you post your personal life for all the world to see?"

"Aren't you scared employers are going to see that?"

"Why do you want people in on your business? Are you wanting sympathy?"

I've been getting these questions a lot lately, so here is why I blog: I post my personal life for all the world to see because, like nearly 20% of U.S. adults, I struggle with mental illness. I post my personal life for all the world to see because, like around 10-20% of women of childbearing age, I suffer from endometriosis. I post my personal life for all the world because, like 1.4 million Americans, I deal with inflammatory bowel disease (for me, ulcerative colitis). I blog because I'm young and divorced. And I blog because I'm a survivor of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse.

Society tells us we have to stay quiet about our struggles. If you experience mental or physical illness, you're expected to pretend everything is okay. But staying silent only serves to perpetuate feelings of being trapped and alone. And, based on the numbers, we aren't alone. I refuse to take part in that silencing and isolating norm. I refuse to be silenced.

I blog because I'm privileged and successful, because I go to a great school and get pretty good grades and get awesome internships and am on track for an incredible career. I blog because I have amazing friends and family who support me through all of it. I blog because, as much as my life is sometimes hard, I feel like I've done a pretty alright job of rising above my struggles.

I'm transparent because when I was at my lowest, hearing about the successes of those who had been through similar ordeals gave me hope. I'm transparent because I want to pay it forward. I hope reading about my life can give other people hope.

So, no, I'm not looking for sympathy. I'm looking to build community.

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