Saturday, June 11, 2016

Things I want that I didn't get

Below is a list of things that were missing from at least one of my previous relationships. I think I've decided these are non-negotiable characteristics from here on out.

I want a life partner, not someone who just wants to date for now. I want someone who will discuss decisions with me, who will equally contribute to our household.

I want someone who is understanding of my anxiety and other mental illnesses, who doesn't say I'm "just being dramatic."

I want someone who is patient with my physical illnesses as well, and who understands that sometimes I simply don't feel up to doing much else than laying on the couch and watching TV.

I want someone who can communicate, who can tell me if something is bothering him, and who tells me often that he loves me.

I want to be shown off. I want to meet his friends. I don't want to be hidden. I don't want to feel like an embarrassment.

I want to be a priority. This doesn't mean I don't want him to spend time with family or friends or at work or on hobbies, but it does mean that I want to be chosen over these things from time to time.

I want someone who is faithful physically and emotionally, and with whom I don't have to feel like I'm constantly competing with someone else.

I want someone who gives me flowers. I've never been given flowers.

I want someone who will dance with me, and go to dinner with me, and go to shows with me. I want someone who will pay from time to time (and I'll pay sometimes too).

I want to feel wanted and secure. 

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