Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Divorce, Dating & Identity

I've been thinking a lot about identity lately.

I am a daughter.
I am a student.
I am a woman.

I am 22, after all -- the age at which we are supposed to think about who we are and who we want to become.

I am passionate.
I am driven.
I am stubborn.
Some might say I am picky, but I like to call it "particular."

But there are things that "I am" that I also am not -- things that I have been through that aren't really who I am.

I am divorced, but I am not my divorce.
I have been married, but I am not my marriage.
I am a survivor of child abuse, but I am not a victim.

My identity is not divorced, previously married, or survivor. That is not who I am.

I am thoughtful.
I am nerdy.
I am curious.

I am not simply the sum of my experiences, because my independence prevents that. My experiences affect who I am, but they are not themselves who I am.

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