Thursday, April 2, 2015

To My Used To Be Family

Dear Used To Be Family,

I need you to know that one of the worst parts of divorce was, by far, losing family.

When I got married, I gained two mothers, two fathers, a few sisters, a couple brothers, and a slew of grandparents. I was due to be an aunt.

When he left, many of you promised to keep in touch. You promised you still loved me. I promised I still loved you. And I believe we meant it all.

But life got in the way, and now we are worlds apart. I live across the country from most of you, distantly following your lives on Facebook, and I yearn to be a part of them, but I know those days are over. I see family photos and wish I still stood smiling in them. I wish "sisters forever" still included five of us, instead of the three it now includes.

I love you all so much still, and I wish I could still call you family. I wish I could still rely on you. But I understand why that's not the reality.

I will love you forever.


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