Friday, January 2, 2015

Check in: 30 by 30

Y'all, law school is busy, and it keeps me from blogging much on here. But here I am, welcoming the new year.

Last year, instead of setting a new year's resolution, I made a list of 30 things I want to accomplish by the time I turn 30. It's time to check in to see where things are!

One: Keep some sort of record of my progress through life in general
Clearly, I've been pretty terrible at this. But I'm trying. And, through writing about my life, I've discovered that sometimes just being is more important than trying to record.

Two: Earn my Bachelor's.

Three, Four: Earn my JD. Earn my Master's.
With one semester of my joint-degree program at UNC down and a bunch of summer internship applications sent, I'm feeling pretty good about this path. One-eighth done, y'all!

Five: Take a Spanish (or other romance language?) class.
Haven't done this yet. Honestly, haven't really figured out when this will happen. BUT IT WILL.

Six: Get to a healthy weight and stay there.
Here's the thing, I was at my absolute healthiest last year. I was doing yoga three times a week, biking a lot, etc. But I still was "overweight." I'm done looking at numbers. I don't care how many pounds I am, because it's really all about eating right and treating your body with respect. I've fallen off the wagon a bit, so this year I'm going to refocus and get myself back to yoga.

Seven, Eight, Nine: Visit the Museum of Crime and Punishment in DC, the ice rink in Central Park, and Jackson Square in New Orleans.
Haven't done these yet, but there's a possibility at least one of them will happen in the next few months.

Ten: Visit Boston.
Okay. Technically, I did this. I went to the Boston area in April last year to Boston University's law school. I stayed with a friend in Wellesley, and took the train into the city every day. But I didn't mark this off because I don't feel that should count. I didn't explore the city at all. I was mostly in Wellesley or at BU, so I still don't really know what Boston is like.

Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen: Visit Philadelphia, Chicago, Napa Valley, Europe.
Still haven't done these. I'll get there.

Fifteen: Become financially stable.
This is hard to do when you're a grad student mostly living on loans. But I'm happy to say that I was A+ at following my budget last year, and at the end of the year, everything was balanced. I didn't have to beg my parents for money to cover rent this month. We're doing well.

Sixteen: Get a tattoo.
Did this. It looks awesome. I still love it.

Seventeen, Eighteen: Learn ballroom dancing. Build a dining table.
Haven't done these. Still want to.

Nineteen: Get a full-time job I love.
Still in school. I'll tackle this one in a few years.

Twenty: Find a church to call home.
I've done this one too! I found this awesome church in Chapel Hill called Binkley Baptist, and I love it. I haven't been able to go in about a month now between traveling and having conflicting responsibilities, but I promise I'm going back. I'll probably blog about it soon too (assuming I find time).

Twenty-one: Get a piece published nationally.
Not done. Actively working on it.

Twenty-two: Buy a full suit.
I bought a full suit on Black Friday (got $550 worth for $260!), and also went shopping with my mom a couple weeks ago for the materials and patterns for her to sew a couple more suits for me. (Custom suits FTW!) Hopefully I'll find time to blog about this soon too.

Twenty-three: Take a cooking class.
Haven't done this. But I want to SO BAD.

Twenty-four: Go on a 2+ day road trip.
I sort of did this over the summer when I moved from Washington state to North Carolina. And it was awful. My car broke down in Kansas and, after spending like $800 on "repairs" that didn't do shit, we had to spend another $1500 on a U-Haul (which pretty much remained empty) to tow my car to NC. When we got here, we found that my car was not worth saving due to engine damage. Needless to say, all of this kind of put a damper on our plans to actually explore the cities through which we were driving. We were originally supposed to spend some time in Kansas City, St. Louis, and Nashville, but had to skip those in favor of driving straight from Kansas to NC. So I feel like I cannot, in good conscience, mark this one off.

Twenty-five, twenty-six: Eat at a Michelin three-star restaurant. Visit Disneyland or Disneyworld.
Not done. I WANT SO BAD.

Twenty-seven: Have an apartment decorated the way I want.
I got this. My new apartment is so perfect, and I did it for around $3000 total. That includes new towels, new dishes, new pots and pans, new furniture, new EVERYTHING. I'll have to blog about this very soon to show off all my adorbs pictures.

Twenty-eight: Spend a day on a warm beach.
I haven't done this yet, but I'm working on convincing my boyfriend to go camping on the NC beach with me in the spring. 

Twenty-nine: Host a five-course dinner party.
Haven't done this, really. I mean, I made like a million dishes for Thanksgiving this year, but I don't think that counts. Will do this soon, perhaps?

Thirty: Go camping under the stars.
My boyfriend and I had the most wonderful, romantic, camping adventure in July before I moved. 

I think it's worth mentioning that in addition to these things, in 2014, I have learned to love myself, fallen in love with a man who treats me so incredibly, moved somewhere alone for the first time, and moved in with my amazing boyfriend.
  1. Keep some sort of record of my progress through life in general.
  2. Earn my Bachelor's degree (will be finished in May 2014)
  3. Earn my JD
  4. Earn my Master's degree
  5. Take a Spanish class
  6. Get to a healthy weight and stay there
  7. Visit the Museum of Crime and Punishment in DC
  8. Go ice skating in Central Park, NYC
  9. Have my palm read in Jackson Square, New Orleans
  10. Visit Boston
  11. Visit Philadelphia
  12. Visit Chicago
  13. Go wine tasting in the Napa Valley
  14. Travel to Europe
  15. Become financially stable
  16. Get a tattoo
  17. Learn ballroom dancing
  18. Build a dining table from scratch
  19. Get a full-time job I love
  20. Find a church to call home
  21. Get a piece published nationally
  22. Buy a full suit
  23. Take a cooking class
  24. Go on a 2+ day road trip
  25. Eat at a Michelin three-star restaurant
  26. Visit Disneyland or Disney World
  27. Have an apartment decorated the way I want
  28. Spend a day at a warm beach
  29. Host a five-course dinner party
  30. Camp under the stars

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