Monday, August 18, 2014

Cross-Country Moves are Hard

After a tumultuous cross-country drive -- which involved getting stuck with a broken-down car in Kansas for three days and having to rent a truck just to tow my car the rest of the way -- I've been in North Carolina for about a week and a half now.

Once we got here, we found out that my car would cost thousands to repair. Thankfully, it's still drive-able in town, but it can't go on the highway again. And, although I really like Chapel Hill, knowing that I have no way out of this town is really isolating. Knowing that I am literally stuck in a strange place where I don't know anyone scares me. A lot.

It's bittersweet. On one hand, I love this charming little town of Chapel Hill. It is so green and the sun is always shining. I've been making friends slowly but surely. And my apartment is adorable.

My cute little apartment, complete with a banana welcome mat.

On the other hand, I miss having my community. I miss my family. I miss my boyfriend. I miss his family. I miss my friends in the Northwest.

I officially start law school orientation on Wednesday, and I'm definitely pretty excited. I bought my books over the weekend and felt so hardcore carrying what must have been 30 pounds of hardcover onto the bus.

I don't have much to say right now, because I'm really not sure where I'm at with everything. At one moment, I'm fine and happy and glad to be in NC. The next moment, I want to cry.

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