Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Endings & Beginnings

It's been a while, y'all. I'm still alive. Barely.

The last time I posted was March 16. That's just about the same time my now-boyfriend and I crossed from the whole "dating" thing to the whole "boyfriend/girlfriend" thing. So, most of the last month and a half during which I have neglected this blog, I have been busy living life. I've been spending my time continuing to nurture my relationships with my friends while also creating this relationship with my boyfriend.

The last couple of weeks have involved my nose being in a book and/or my fingers on a keyboard. This is what the end of one's final semester as an undergrad looks like.

And now, I'm facing the very real fact that in a week and a half, I'll be graduating. My college experience has been a roller coaster.

Freshman year, I fought a mystery disease and got engaged.

Sophomore year, I was diagnosed with endometriosis, worked three jobs, planned a wedding, and got married.

Junior year, I went to New York and DC, loved being married, invested myself in my academics, had the academically hardest semester of my college career, and spent my summer interning at Allrecipes.com.

Senior year, my parents got divorced, I got divorced, met Mary Beth Tinker (twice), applied for grad/law school, got into and chose a grad/law school, had a shaky academic year, and started dating for the first time as an adult.

^Pretty crazy crap I've been through, huh?

On one hand, I'm ready for this part of my life to be over. I'm ready to move on to a new town, a new state, a new school, etc. In a way, I'm ready for a new life.

But I'm also lamenting the end of this one. I feel like I've just started to spend time with my friends, and now we're all moving to different places. I've just started dating this wonderful guy, and now we have to figure out what's going to happen when I leave.

In many ways, I feel like I've just started living this life, and now I have to end this and start over again.

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