Wednesday, January 29, 2014

22 Things for my 22nd Birthday

I'm 22 today. Another year wiser, I suppose.

In honor of my 22nd birthday, I thought I'd make a list of 22 things that I am.

  1. I am a daughter. I have an amazing mother who has always been there for me, through thick and thin.
  2. I am a sister. I have a crazy teenage little sister whom I adore.
  3. I am a student. I'm finishing my BA in journalism and English in May, and I'll begin pursuing a JD and master's degree in the Fall.
  4. I am an academic masochist. I get the most joy out of the most excruciating academic work. I overbook myself with challenging courses just to see if I can do it.
  5. I am a Christian Universalist. I'm not sure I believe in Hell, and I believe that most -- perhaps all -- people are saved. Jesus is the way, truth, and life, and he lives within each of us through our conscience. "It is written: 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God." (Romans 14:11)
  6. I am a democrat. I believe in social liberty and equal rights above all else.
  7. I am a writer. I love writing essays and nonfiction, mostly because I enjoy learning and communicating what I've learned.
  8. I am nerdy. I read court cases and news articles for fun. Need I say more?
  9. I am stubborn. I've been told many times throughout my life that I can't do this or that. I don't listen, and I generally get things done.
  10. I am addicted to coffee. I have to have at least one cup every day, which is less than the 4-5 cups per day I drank in high school.
  11. I am in love with wine. I love a good pinot noir or vinho rose.
  12. I am an advocate. I want to stand up for the rights of all people.
  13. I am a vegan. I am a vegetarian because I can't stand the thought of eating other animals. I don't eat dairy or eggs because of health reasons.
  14. I am an endo-sister. I have endometriosis, an autoimmune disease that causes pain, fatigue, and other symptoms.
  15. I am budget-conscious. I survive on roughly $800/month, and I could do less. I keep groceries down to $100/month. Because I'm a poor college student, but also because I like being frugal.
  16. I am passionate. I give my all to everything I do. I believe in pursuing things to the best of my abilities.
  17. I am a friend. I have some amazing friends who are more like sisters and brothers. They keep me going through the tough stuff, and we can always laugh together.
  18. I am curious. I enjoy learning new things. I yearn to discover different cultures, schools of thought, and ways of living.
  19. I am silly. I love to laugh and have a good time. Next to learning, smiling is my favorite activity.
  20. I am human. I make mistakes, and I'm the first to admit it. I'll never be perfect, but here's to being the best I can be.
  21. I am saved by grace. I believe that Christ died to save us all from our sins.
  22. I am me.

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